The CarePlus™ CCM is a message routing module with built-in-workflow associated with nurse call, paging encoder, alarm management and various forms of messaging protocol inputs and outputs. Messages can be routed to and from any port. A multi-user multilingual web browser interface provides generalized messaging and configuration.
The Central Contol Module (CCM) is a scalable and modular control unit with embedded software. This type of device is known as an appliance which is similar to a computer server. The appliance runs the CarePlus™ software which is US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Medical Device Data System (MDDS) listed.
The CarePlus™ Nurse Call and Messaging System™ is a new 3rd generation IP based Nurse Call System specifically designed and integrated to provide a highly reliable and highly maintainable highly available (24 by 7 by 365) Acute Care nurse call system for use in hospitals, nursing homes and other similar acute-care facilities.

CarePlus™ is an IP based patient communication system providing advanced communication messaging and integration whilst providing advance systems software and reporting giving unprecedented activity status information. This latest IP (web) technology system provides significant features and benefits over older generation systems by providing a simple web based user interface and intuitive reporting systems.
CarePlus™ is a modular, scalable, system, which is easily upgradeable via software licenses keys enabling heterogeneous connectivity to legacy hospital infrastructure and a broad range of telephony devices.
The CarePlus™ CCM is FDA, UL 1069 and DIN 0834 certified.